Internet Speed in Schwerin

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1&1 Versatel42,817,553

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In the 12-month period (October 2023 - September 2024), the fastest broadband internet in Schwerin was provided by PYUR with an average download speed of 126,9 Mb/s. The highest data upload speed was achieved by PYUR (31,8 Mb/s). The lowest ping was recorded with the PYUR at 37 milliseconds.

Broadband Internet Speed in Schwerin

In Schwerin broadband Internet download speed is 77,9 Mb/s and upload speed is 24,2 Mb/s. Average latency is equal to 47 ms.

Internet Provider download [Mb/s] upload [Mb/s] ping [ms]
PYUR 126,9 31,8 37
Vodafone 94,7 21,8 52
T-Mobile 87,9 31,3 41
1&1 Versatel 42,8 17,5 53
O2 33,1 12,6 48
All ISP 77,9 24,2 47

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