Internet Speed in Nur-Sultan
In last 12 months, the fastest broadband internet in Nur-Sultan was provided by TTK with an average download speed of 69,1 Mb/s. The highest data upload speed was achieved by TTK (71,2 Mb/s). The lowest ping was recorded with the 2DAY Telecom at 80 milliseconds.
During the same time, the fastest mobile internet in Nur-Sultan was delivered by Tele2 with an average download speed of 32,6 Mb/s. The highest data upload speed was recorded with the Tele2 operator (14,1 Mb/s). The lowest ping was observed with the Tele2 at 101 milliseconds.
Broadband Internet Speed in Nur-Sultan
In Nur-Sultan broadband Internet download speed is 39,4 Mb/s and upload speed is 40,4 Mb/s. Average latency is equal to 101 ms.
ISP | Download [Mb/s] | Upload [Mb/s] | Latency [ms] |
TTK | 69,1 | 71,2 | 88 |
Kazakhtelecom | 52,4 | 46,0 | 102 |
AlmaTel | 49,0 | 50,7 | 93 |
2DAY Telecom | 35,8 | 56,5 | 80 |
Tele2 | 20,5 | 14,3 | 119 |
TNS Plus | 14,9 | 9,0 | 125 |
Kcell | 11,7 | 11,7 | 111 |
All ISP | 39,4 | 40,4 | 101 |
Mobile Internet Speed in Nur-Sultan
In Nur-Sultan mobile Internet download speed is 27,4 Mb/s and upload speed is 12,5 Mb/s. Average latency is equal to 110 ms.
ISP | Download [Mb/s] | Upload [Mb/s] | Latency [ms] |
Tele2 | 32,6 | 14,1 | 101 |
Kcell | 27,4 | 12,0 | 107 |
TNS-Plus | 22,2 | 11,6 | 123 |
All ISP | 27,4 | 12,5 | 110 |
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