Internet Speed in Józefów

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Internet Provider
My Result?
Play Stacjonarny280,769,812
NGNA Sp. z o.o.257,795,67
T-Mobile Stacjonarny251,584,07

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In 2024 Q4, the fastest broadband internet in Józefów was provided by Play Stacjonarny with an average download speed of 280,7 Mb/s. The highest data upload speed was achieved by NGNA Sp. z o.o. (95,6 Mb/s). The lowest ping was recorded with the NGNA Sp. z o.o. at 7 milliseconds.

Broadband Internet Speed in Józefów

In Józefów broadband Internet download speed is 213,2 Mb/s and upload speed is 77,0 Mb/s. Average latency is equal to 11 ms.

Internet Provider download [Mb/s] upload [Mb/s] ping [ms]
Play Stacjonarny 280,7 69,8 12
NGNA Sp. z o.o. 257,7 95,6 7
T-Mobile Stacjonarny 251,5 84,0 7
Orange 235,3 86,0 11
Wawtel 211,3 80,3 7
Netia 204,5 75,0 9
T-Mobile 42,7 9,9 35
All ISP 213,2 77,0 11

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