Internet Speed in Łeba

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Internet Provider
My Result?
Play Mobile18,77,756
Orange Mobile8,16,737

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In 2024 Q3, the fastest broadband internet in Łeba was provided by Vectra with an average download speed of 161,0 Mb/s. The highest data upload speed was achieved by Orange (29,1 Mb/s). The lowest ping was recorded with the Orange at 25 milliseconds.

During the same time, the fastest mobile internet in Łeba was delivered by Orange Mobile with an average download speed of 65,1 Mb/s. The highest data upload speed was recorded with the T-Mobile operator (16,3 Mb/s). The lowest ping was observed with the T-Mobile at 30 milliseconds.

Broadband Internet Speed in Łeba

In Łeba broadband Internet download speed is 45,7 Mb/s and upload speed is 23,7 Mb/s. Average latency is equal to 34 ms.

Internet Provider download [Mb/s] upload [Mb/s] ping [ms]
Vectra 161,0 26,7 31
Multimedia 50,7 15,5 35
Orange 49,4 29,1 25
T-Mobile 42,0 16,9 35
Plus 28,7 11,4 54
Play Mobile 18,7 7,7 56
Orange Mobile 8,1 6,7 37
All ISP 45,7 23,7 34

Mobile Internet Speed in Łeba

In Łeba mobile Internet download speed is 44,1 Mb/s and upload speed is 12,3 Mb/s. Average latency is equal to 36 ms.

Internet Provider download [Mb/s] upload [Mb/s] ping [ms]
Orange Mobile 65,1 10,3 38
Plus 46,6 10,2 39
T-Mobile 45,2 16,3 30
Play Mobile 21,8 12,1 38
All ISP 44,1 12,3 36

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