Internet Speed in Skoczów

In 2024 Q2, the fastest broadband internet in Skoczów was provided by Netia with an average download speed of 234,5 Mb/s. The highest data upload speed was achieved by ANFA FAJER Sp.J. (142,7 Mb/s). The lowest ping was recorded with the KOLNET at 6 milliseconds.

Broadband Internet Speed in Skoczów

In Skoczów broadband Internet download speed is 152,6 Mb/s and upload speed is 56,9 Mb/s. Average latency is equal to 15 ms.

ISP Download [Mb/s] Upload [Mb/s] Latency [ms]
Netia 234,5 98,4 14
KOLNET 205,7 43,5 6
ANFA FAJER Sp.J. 186,0 142,7 15
LUPRO 156,3 52,0 6
Orange 95,5 39,1 17
T-Mobile 37,7 18,6 32
Plus 10,8 5,7 51
All ISP 152,6 56,9 15

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Basing on 2024 Q2 period.

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